Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Counting off the days...

Less than 14 days to go - then I'm off to Goa!

Obtained visa last Friday. Took 4 hours! Queuing was never my strongpoint - I was severly tested. Once in the visa hall (along with 1500 others), there was sort of a process going on (somewhere deep beneath the surface).

Reminded me of a 1950's post office - all brown mahagony coloured wood and an ancient display which flipped over number after number to indicate who should try to approach the counter next.

Anyhow -all done now.

Next Monday I start taking malaria tablets...


Anonymous said...

Queuing...a fabulous British pastime, of which the recent practice at the visa place will stand you in good stead for Indian airports.....NOT!! Minus 3 degrees here in the Big Apple and Christmas is all around in a huge way that reminds me of being a child. Big tin of Family Circle and me nan's Woolworths Christmas tree.....xxxxxxx

Rakhesh Rao said...

ha ha!

queuing was only 4 hours? not bad!!!
Yea talk about mahogany everywhere!!!It feels very dark in the waiting hall as well!

Well since you will off soon a piece of advice the fastest point at any indian airport is the immigration unless they are feeling extremely annoyed that particular day...Customs on the other hand can be a bit terse especially if a flight from the middle east has arrived at the same time. This wont be becos of terrorists and stuff but because of the sheer amount of stuff that might get smuggled through!(You have to see it to believe it!)

Anonymous said...

Yup - you weren't wrong - immigration was a bloke waving us all through as quickly as possible!