Wednesday, 22 November 2006

Cisco 1721 Router: Clearing the Config

This post details the process for removing the current configuration from a Cisco 1721 router. The end result is a 'vanilla' router configuration.

  1. connect the router to a com port on the pc/laptop using the console cable
  2. open Windows HyperTerminal (or other) and connect to COM1
  3. enter ROMMON mode: power on the router and press the CTRL+BREAK keys within 5 seconds of the router booting up - this will display the following prompt: rommon 1>
  4. enter: confreg 0x2142 - the following message is dispayed: "You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect"
  5. enter "i" or "reset" - the router will reboot and load the IOS but without loading the startup-config
  6. eventually, the following prompt appears: "Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?" enter "n" for "no" and press Return when prompted. The following prompt is displayed: Router>
  7. enter privilege exec mode: type "enable" at the prompt (note: no password required!)

    the following are the commands to enter at the prompts (the correct prompt is shown in each case):-

  8. Router#write erase
  9. enter (erase takes a few seconds...)
  10. Router#conf t
  11. Router(config)#config-register 0x2102 (resets the config register so that the next time the router boots, it will load the startup-config)
  12. CTRL+Z
  13. Router#write mem
  14. Router#copy ru st
  15. Router#reload (reboots the router)
To check the current config:-

  1. Router>enable
  2. Router#sh ru (shows the current running config)
  3. Router#sh ver (shows the router version information)
All done!

RouterGod: Cisco Psychic TAC Hotline

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